
Frequently Asked Questions

Acupuncturist on Upper East Side, New York, NY


Congratulations on taking charge of your personal health, and thank you for your consideration!
Acupuncture shouldn’t be intimidating! For my current and future patients, I have provided answers to frequent questions below.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Is acupuncture painful?

Most acupuncture needles are tiny – far smaller than needles at the doctor’s office. In fact, they approach the width of a human hair!
You will feel a tiny pin prick when a needle is inserted. Any minor discomfort that will go away in seconds as the surrounding tissues adapt and relax. 
I have had lots of study and practice and will make sure you are as comfortable as possible with the entire process. You will also find that it becomes easier and easier with regular treatment!

How long does an appointment last?

For your first visit, I’ll spend additional time with you to go over your background and form an initial assessment for your treatment needs.
After you arrive and take a few minutes to settle in, we’ll discuss your current needs and the day’s treatment. The acupuncture session will last 45 minutes to an hour, after which you’ll have time to have a cup of water and prepare for the rest of the day ahead.

What should I expect during my treatment?

Depending on the purpose of your visit, you may receive multi-modal treatments such as acupuncture, cupping, and/or moxibustion.
You’ll get to lay down on a comfortable table. I’ll place fine acupuncture needles along various points of your body. I’ll turn on some relaxing music, and you’ll be ready for our own private acu-nap (it’s like a nap, but even better, as it includes acupuncture)! The acupuncture may be followed by, or combined with, other treatments. 
I’ll check in on you to make sure you’re still comfortable throughout the session.

I am trying to get pregnant. Is acupuncture safe?

In a word – yes! I have extensive experience with patients who are pregnant or trying to conceive.
In fact, many of my patients have used acupuncture to supplement other treatments such as IVF, with great results!

How much will my visit cost me?

While your final cost will depend on your specific treatment needs and insurance plan coverage, I can provide the following guidelines:
Cash patients: first visit is slightly more expensive than follow-up visits, as it requires more time and details. Follow-ups are at a fixed price.
For patients with insurance, your final cost will depend on your individual insurance plan. Many patients pay nothing out-of-pocket once they meet their plan’s deductible. (In no case will you pay more out-of-pocket with insurance than if you were paying cash.)

How can I check if my insurance covers your treatments?

You may use this link to securely check your insurance coverage. 

How should I prepare for my visit?

Avoid alcohol before and after your session.
Plan to take it easy after your treatment.
Bring your insurance information.
Expect to fill out standard paperwork about your medical history, releases, etc. 
Please share any concerns and medical issues.
Get ready to feel better!

How many treatments will I need?

I try my hardest to get my patients to their best as fast as possible.
The severity and previous duration of your condition generally corresponds to the length of the treatment plan. For instance, severe pain might become moderate pain after just one visit, light to minimal pain after a few more visits (and eventually, no pain at all) – but you will notice a difference after every session!

All conditions benefit from occasional follow-ups. Particularly for chronic conditions, it is often useful to have multiple sessions close together for optimal therapeutic effect, followed by less-frequent “maintenance” visits to keep you feeling your best. 
This is why it is important to address issues when they arise, rather than hoping they go away!

What should I expect post-treatment?

It is best to abstain from alcohol for the rest of the day post-treatment. 
We recommend that you take it easy for the rest of the day, minimize caffeine, and try to get a good night’s rest.
You might experience temporary soreness (perhaps even increased soreness) in the 24 hours after your visit. This is normal as your body adjusts to the nervous system stimulation and released muscles!

Lastly – we will check in to see how you’re feeling!

What if I am late or can't make my appointment?

Life happens! However – please keep in mind…

If you are running late or cannot make an appointment, let us know as soon as possible.
Late arrivals may have treatment length reduced, out of fairness to later patients.

Late cancellations or no-shows may be charged the full cost of their visit.