


Addiction services offered on Upper East Side, New York, NY

Are you addicted to alcohol, smoking, drugs, or eating? If you struggle with addictive habits, see the experts at Erzhena Acupuncture on the Upper East side area of Manhattan in New York City. Licensed acupuncturist Erzhena Lygdenova DAc, LAc, and her team offer holistic options for treating addictions to help you overcome barriers. Schedule an evaluation at Erzhena Acupuncture by phone or online today.

Addiction Q & A

What is an addiction?

Addictions are mental health challenges that prevent you from breaking unhealthy habits, such as drinking excessive alcohol, smoking, binge eating, or misusing drugs. Some people have addictions to shopping, gambling, or sex. Treating addictions and their withdrawal symptoms naturally helps you avoid taking harsh medications that can cause side effects. 

What are the signs of an addiction?

The hallmark signs of an addiction include:

  • Inability to control unhealthy habits
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Drug use
  • Withdrawal symptoms when stopping
  • Needing more and more of something
  • the desire to break an addictive habit
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Addictions can negatively affect your health, job, school, and relationships when not addressed. 

Withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sweating, depression, anxiety, or seizures. 

Which addiction treatments are right for me?

The Erzhena Acupuncture experts discuss your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle to determine which Chinese medicine solutions are best suited to your situation. They ask questions about your thoughts, mood, emotions, behaviors, treatment preferences, and goals before customizing a treatment plan.

What are holistic treatment options for addictions?

Erzhena Acupuncture provides an array of holistic options to treat addictions, including:


The practice provides traditional and neuro acupuncture (scalp acupuncture) to treat withdrawal symptoms, addictions, and other mental health concerns. While you relax on a comfortable table, your provider inserts tiny needles into specific tissues. They may emit electric pulses into the needles or manually manipulate them.


Cupping is a treatment that helps remove body toxins and promote physical and mental healing. Your specialist uses cups to apply gentle suction to targeted tissues while you relax.

Gua sha

Gua sha is another method of removing toxins and promoting healing. Your specialist scrapes your skin using a dull, flat tool to optimize energy flow, cell regeneration, and stress reduction.


Moxibustion is a holistic technique that involves burning an herb called moxa (mugwort) next to your skin’s surface. This treatment stimulates energy flow, optimizes general health, improves immune function, and helps reduce bothersome withdrawal symptoms. 

Schedule an addiction consultation at Erzhena Acupuncture by phone or online today to break unhealthy habits and restore your well-being.